Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pictures from Mt. Cook and the West Coast


As John posted the last blog sans pictures, I’ll try and add a few comments to explain some of these shots.

The Ball and Tasman glaciers were absolutely spectacular. The first night we set up the tent in probably one of the most beautiful places we’ve been so far.




The stars that came out the first night were stunning, and the moon was incredibly bright. The last picture above is off the road and a slump in the land. As John mentioned before it’s due to the side of the mountain falling into the glacier moraine below. The moraine is about 100 m down, and we were told that only 50 yrs ago it was about 100 m up. Pretty wild!

We had a grey weather for the hike up the ridge, but the views were still breathtaking.



The final day above the glacier we woke up above the clouds.



What John forgot to mention in the last post, is that we found a public shelter with hot water! We did all our laundry, which sounds like a normal thing, but for us it was such a luxury! We hung everything outside our van, worked like a charm. The last picture above is looking at Mt. Sefton. During our next trip to the Copland valley, we saw the other side of this beast of a mountain. You can actually see the Copland pass to the right of the peak. The first picture below is what we saw when waking up in the Lindis Pass, and the rest are from the Copland track.





The last picture is my handsome boyfriend at Franz Joseph Glacier…I think the socks and short shorts speak volumes about his style.


Stories and pictures about blow holes, and giant caves to follow!


  1. Love the pic of your Inukshuk. Hope some fellow Canadians come upon it and wonder. The boys asked about you the other day so I showed them the blog. Be warned they may add their own comments, Cam will probably want to hop on a plane. Where will you be for Christmas? Take care xoxo Cid

  2. Hey John & Kel - can't wait to see y'all in Aus. BTW - I will shout you a razor old man! Pam
